We have insurance for our house and for a car, but do you have an insurance for your nursing career? Studying for four years is no laughing matter. Juggling classroom lessons and clinical practices is not something anyone can do so earning our license as a registered nurse is an accomplishment. However, you can never hold your license forever. Human as we are, we are subject for errors and we can lose our license as well our reputation if we do not have a nursing insurance to help us out in times of trouble.
A nursing insurance is a way to save your nursing career in times of difficulty. It covers for malpractice lawsuit that will be filed against you such as the payment for the lawyer and the amount to settle the case up to the certain limit depending on the policy. A nursing insurance is like your preparation for the worst case scenario that may happen.
Although a nursing insurance is formulated to help nurses, many registered nurses are not carrying any insurance at all. One reason is that, many nurses feel they are more vulnerable for lawsuits if they are insured. The truth is, no one will take advantage of your insurance if you don’t tell the plaintiff that you are insured. It is through trial that the revelation of your insurance will be exposed so you do not have to worry. Another, other think that the company’s insurance is enough to help them when a lawsuit is filed against them but you need to dip you nose further. Does your employer cover all of the expenses in case you are being sued? Read more into the policies of your employer and have back up plan to save your career from further damage.
This may sound cliché but ultimately prevention is better than cure. In our current financial economy, we have to make sure that our money is safe and sound.
Professional Liability Insurance for Nurse and Nurse Practitioners
Take a look of what this insurance can give you:
The Peace-of Mind Coverage
Marsh US Consumer offers a ‘occurrence’ coverage that will protect the employee all the time. As against the popular practice ‘claims-made coverage’ means protection only extends while working for that employer. The ‘occurrence’ coverage extends protection even after a claim filed a year after moving jobs because the coverage is not limited to a specific employer. The coverage covers all the time coverage no matter when the claim is demanded.
A $2,000,000 guaranty and more per incident
The $2,000,000 for every incident is guaranteed in the malpractice suit. The amount may extend up to $4,000,000 each year. The extra protection will cover expenses for attorney and defense cost even when malpractice suits will increase but not taken from $2,000,000 allotted amount.
Easy application scheme
Avail of the Professional Liability Insurance or renewal of the insurance coverage via online. You can get instant quote and then proceed in filling out the application. The application will take 5 minutes and you will get the protection you need without payment.
Benefits Packages for Registered Nurses
Facing the challenge of nurses today
A common error done by nurses occurs when administering right medication to patients. Even if the complainant does not win, the cost of defending yourself is still high. It’s even more expensive if the litigation takes time. And worst, nurses may not be allowed to work during this time.
This is where Malpractice insurance comes to use for nurses. If the nurse is not guilty of negligence for the error committed, the insurance will protect nurse professionals from possible financial hardships.
The liability insurance will require a monthly premium pay. In exchange, the insurance plan will cover the costs of defence and other fees brought about by possible allegations.
The malpractice insurance is already required by state law in some of the states. But even without this decree, it is always wise to purchase something that will protect professionals from financial hard-ups.
What malpractice insurance does for nurses is not to cover the costs of criminal prosecution. Instead, it is practically geared towards civil claims with monetary damages.
The nurse malpractice insurance protects nurses only during the period which the plan is active. Several companies have allowed nurses to purchase a “tail.” A tail plan will only cover a specific time frame. It can be either before or after to which the plan is effective.
Repealing the Federal long-term insurance
As remembered, the act was created in the hope of bringing long-term insurance program by the government to all workers. However, the Obama Administration stated that they haven’t seen any viable path to further implement CLASS within the statute. In fact, they have noticed financial solvency problems. They have looked into the possibility of repairing it. But then, as it goes to the Senate, the bill will certainly die there since it has become impossible to fix it.
Again, the act was made for a number of reasons. But it also suffered from many fundamental reasons such as:
- Nursing homes and other long-term care forms have run from $150-$250 per day. This will leave the CLASS act to rely on Medicaid after exhausting all savings and resources.
- The enrolees are required to pay for five years before becoming eligible to avail any benefits.
- It is suffering from “adverse selection risk” which will only encourage the sick and disabled to want to join.
- There are more unhealthy people than healthy ones who will offset their high claims. This creates imbalance which is not present on a regular Long Term Care Insurance.
- And last and most importantly, the Act’s provision for daily needs was inadequate even for today’s insurance with $50 per day. This does not equate to the cost of long term care.
Get ready for your nursing insurance
Sinclair Insurance Company offers Nurses & Midwives E&O, Malpractice and Liability Insurance. Primarily, it specializes on commercial and personal insurance. But, it already expanded its services to medical and health insurance programs. The good thing with this company is that you can apply online. You don’t have to go to their office and wait for your number to be called. Insurance is given to you at the convenience and comfort of your home.
The head office is located in West Yorkshire, United Kingdom.
The insurance for nurses covers public and professional liabilities, Errors & Omissions (E&R) and malpractice are covered into one policy. It features three important factors:
- Legal defense versus discriminatory allegations. It can reach up to 10 percent depending on the limits you have chosen
- Expenses for legal matters
- Legal defense versus accusations of sexual misconduct, assault and abuse. The limit can still reach to 10% depending on your choice.
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