Medial surgical nursing book used or one class in nursing school. All chapters neatly tabbed for easy access
edges slightly used and worn.Posted with eBay MobileFormat: Trade ClothLanguage: EnglishPublisher: Elsevier – Health Sciences DivisionTitle: Medical-Surgical Nursing : Patient-Centered Collaborative Care by Donna D. Ignatavicius and M. Linda Workman (2009, Hardcover)ISBN: 9781416037620Additional Information about Medical-Surgical Nursing : Patient-Centered Collaborative Care by Donna D. Ignatavicius and M. Linda Workman (2009, Hardcover)Certain data records © 2012 Bowker. Rights in cover images reserved by owners.SynopsisWritten by two expert authors, this trend-setting textbook of medical-surgical nursing offers cutting-edge content that’s easy to understand. The sixth edition includes a new emphasis on clinical decision-making for patient-centered collaborative care and more streamlined and balanced coverage of the core body of knowledge needed for safe clinical practice. There is also expanded coverage of emergency and disaster preparedness along with an enhanced “Get Ready for the NCLEX Examination” feature that includes the addition of new NCLEX Challenge questions.
Product IdentifiersISBN-101416037624ISBN-139781416037620
Key DetailsAuthorDonna D. Ignatavicius, M. Linda WorkmanNumber Of Pages1968 pagesFormatTrade ClothPublication Date2009-02-11LanguageEnglishPublisherElsevier – Health Sciences Division
Additional DetailsEdition Number6Copyright Date2009IllustratedYes
DimensionsWidth8.8 In.Length11.1 In.
Target AudienceGroupCollege Audience
Classification MethodLCCN2008-045867LC Classification NumberRT41.I36 2009Dewey Decimal617/.0231Dewey Edition22
Table Of ContentTable Of ContentUNIT I. FOUNDATIONS FOR MEDICAL-SURGICAL NURSING 1. Introduction to Medical-Surgical Nursing 2. Introduction to Complementary and Alternative Therapies 3. Common Health Problems of Older Adults 4. Cultural Aspects of Health and Illness 5. Pain: The Fifth Vital Sign 6. Genetic Concepts for Medical-Surgical Nursing 7. Substance Abuse and Medical-Surgical Nursing 8. Rehabilitation Concepts for Chronic and Disabling Health Problems 9. End-of-Life Care UNIT II. CONCEPTS OF EMERGENCY CARE AND DISASTER PREPAREDNESS 10. Concepts of Emergency and Trauma Nursing 11. Care of Patients with Common Environmental Emergencies 12. NEW! Concepts of Emergency and Disaster Preparedness UNIT III. MANAGEMENT OF PATIENTS WITH FLUID, ELECTROLYTE, AND ACID-BASE IMBALANCES 13. Assessment and Care of Patients with Fluid and Electrolyte Imbalances 14. Assessment and Care of Patients with Acid-Base Imbalances 15. Infusion Therapy UNIT IV. MANAGEMENT OF PERIOPERATIVE PATIENTS 16. Care of Preoperative Patients 17. Care of Intraoperative Patients 18. Care of Postoperative Patients NEW! HUMAN NEEDS OVERVIEW: PROTECTION UNIT V. PROBLEMS OF PROTECTION: MANAGEMENT OF PATIENTS WITH PROBLEMS OF THE IMMUNE SYSTEM 19. Inflammation and the Immune Response 20. Care of Patients with Arthritis and Other Connective Tissue Diseases 21. Care of Patients with HIV Disease and Other Immunodeficiencies 22. Care of Patients with Immune Function Excess: Hypersensitivity (Allergy) and Autoimmunity 23. Cancer Development 24. Care of Patients with Cancer 25. EXPANDED! Care of Patients with Infection UNIT VI. PROBLEMS OF PROTECTION: MANAGEMENT OF PATIENTS WITH PROBLEMS OF THE SKIN, HAIR, AND NAILS 26. Assessment of the Skin, Hair, and Nails 27. Care of Patients with Skin Problems 28. Care of Patients with Burns NEW! HUMAN NEEDS OVERVIEW: OXYGENATION AND TISSUE PERFUSION UNIT VII. PROBLEMS OF OXYGENATION: MANAGEMENT OF PATIENTS WITH PROBLEMS OF THE RESPIRATORY TRACT 29. Assessment of the Respiratory System 30. Care of Patients Requiring Oxygen Therapy or Tracheostomy 31. Care of Patients with Noninfectious Upper Respiratory Problems 32. Care of Patients with Noninfectious Lower Respiratory Problems 33. Care of Patients with Infectious Respiratory Problems 34. Care of Critically Ill Patients with Respiratory Problems UNIT VIII. PROBLEMS OF CARDIAC OUTPUT AND TISSUE PERFUSION: MANAGEMENT OF PATIENTS WITH PROBLEMS OF THE CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEM 35. Assessment of the Cardiovascular System 36. Care of Patients with Dysrhythmias 37. Care of Patients with Cardiac Problems 38. Care of Patients with Vascular Problems 39. Care of Patients with Shock 40. Care of Patients with Acute Coronary Syndromes UNIT IX. PROBLEMS OF TISSUE PERFUSION: MANAGEMENT OF PATIENTS WITH PROBLEMS OF THE HEMATOLOGIC SYSTEM 41. Assessment of the Hematologic System 42. Care of Patients with Hematologic Problems NEW! HUMAN NEEDS OVERVIEW: MOBILITY, SENSATION, AND COGNITION UNIT X. PROBLEMS OF MOBILITY, SENSATION, AND COGNITION: MANAGEMENT OF PATIENTS WITH PROBLEMS OF THE NERVOUS SYSTEM 43. Assessment of the Nervous System 44. Care of Patients with Problems of the Central Nervous System: The Brain 45. Care of Patients with Problems of the Central Nervous System: The Spinal Cord 46. Care of Patients with Problems of the Peripheral Nervous System 47. Care of Critically Ill Patients with Neurologic Problems UNIT XI
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